15 March 2007

Here's a shocker : I am Not Normal

Edward Monkton so aptly illustrated yours truly.

No, I don't know him personally. And no, I don't think he even knows of my existence until yesterday.

I used to think that to not being normal is, well, not normal. In a society, especially such as ours on this island, to be abnormal does pose a bit of problem. Like how do I explain to my friends that I love my chocolate fudge cake to look slushy and "slapped" on; ugly even (it does so make the cake look soo tempting!)? That I love how the cemented walls of our new kitchen are showing signs of crackings - they show so much texture in between the shades of grey. That I like ice-cream more when it's raining. And how I like jumping in puddles of water getting soaked to the bone in the rain.

I don't think I am planning anytime soon to working on being normal. Normal is boring. I like kooky me. ~ Inspira

(Image courtesy of Edward Monkton via OfficeDog)

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