15 March 2007

julia rothman


Julia Rothman's work has been swirling around in the design blogworld... her patterns are so refreshing and the photography featuring her work keeps my mind abuzz with ideas for our future home... i always wonder how one could wallpaper a bathroom especially in a humid climate like ours where mildew loves to linger a little longer than necessary...



(all images from Julia Rothman)
i once chatted with a friend, she was born in Korea and she once remarked that the asian culture was all for conformity. for what it's worth - you are extremely normal in my world.
love, exp.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the red houses wall-paper! Sooo quirky in the toilet! :-) And oh.....how cute is that little cushion for the doggie. Hmm....I want one...for my future kitty....