15 June 2009

Blooming Recipes

A month ago, whilst enjoying dinner with M at the new extension wing of our neighbourhood mall, a penny dropped : I wanted to go to the library in the building to borrow books to keep me occupied whilst on maternity leave.

I don't know what possessed me to even think that I would have the time to savour the pages of the borrowed books, let alone, the mental capacity to process the information what with the lack of the sleep etc from the newborn baby and all.

But I went ahead anyway.

To spare the already diminishing cells in my brain, I borrowed this and this. Not much thought processing there. Just drool worthy pictures.

I am determined that I am going to try a few of the recipes shared in the books once we're all settled down with a routine.

What better way than to jot the recipes down in the beautiful journal which Exp gifted me last year.

1 comment:

exponent said...

what a lovely idea :) :) :)