03 April 2009

In Love with...Mr French

I *heart* paper.

I think everyone who at one point or another stumbled onto this lil' piece of our blog-land, knows how much I love paper.

M (with much dismay) knows how much I love anything paper. Journals, cards, giftwrap paper.

With this love, my natural progression has now led me to this acquisition (bless M for indulging me even though I'm sure he struggled with his eco-conscience for a long time).

This love I have, I am determined to be more eco-responsible.

Thank goodness for hand-powered Gocco. With the exception of the batteries required to transfer the images onto the mesh-screen (and the fact that the carbon is needed to transfer the image to the screen - sigh), everything else depends much on the human strength. So determined to lower my carbon footprint in this love pursuit, I am going to use rechargeable batteries for my machine.

Next, my quest for environmentally sound paper.

I have to say that this island really need to sit up and learn from other cities on eco-friendly products. They are virtually non-existent, I am sad to say.

(I remember the shock and the horrified look M and I spotted when we were told at a local paper store that there was only ONE type of recycled cardstock to cater to our wedding invitation printing needs, to which, we had no choice but go for it and made it work. End product - we love it!).

Anyways, I've disgressed.

My quest to lower the carbon footprint of my love has led me through this silicon world to this (with much excitement and screaming around a make-believe circle). And whilst I am still on the hunt for eco-friendly paper sold on this island, I am so getting Mr French's products.

This love can be indulgent AND eco-friendly. For most part anyway.

I'm hopeful. And learning.

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