24 April 2007

Good morning Singapore!

Remember my post about taking the highly efficient public transport and thus eliminating my contribution to the pollution which in turn minutely reduce my contribution to global warming?

Well today, is one of those days I am not for public transportation.

Wait. Hang on. Before you grin and sneer at this revelation, hear me out.

I have something against the rest of the folks who perhaps have the same ideology as me towards reducing contribution to pollution. And the folks who perhaps are saving up for a good Japanese car.

See, I like my space on the train. That's why I like boarding the train extra early so I can avoid jostling with the crowds and I have enough room to move my fingers in rythm to the music I am plugged into every morning.

Today is one of those days, I feel like I'm a sardine in a can. With a whole lot of other sardines. By that I mean - yes, do these people shower in the morning and just maybe, try to control the body "wind" movements?! It's almost like a culinary 45 minute train ride.

Then there are the selfish gits who insist on a lot of space to read their morning papers. Er . . . excuse me, but can we read the papers at home or when we get into the office? Don't get me wrong. I am all for current affairs and for us Singaporeans to be more well-informed but please, can we be a bit more currently updated about the fact that perhaps 200,000 other people are on the same train as us? The papers get in the way of our preened faces and hair. The same faces and hair we spent hours on before we step out of the door?

And oh, we know you have long legs, please don't force us to "accidently" step on your beautiful Ferragamos and Nikes.

Please people? Can we please work together to make our rides a bit more enjoyable while helping to save this Earth? ~ Inspira


mini said...

LOL ! some of those people sound nasty ...

Anonymous said...

Nasty is an understatement. It's astonishing, I've not committed a crime against these people. :-P