02 December 2008

My So Called Life

(Image courtesy of MyHandboundBooks)

It's that time of year again.

When I have to go on a hunt for diary/notebook to (try) to organise my daily life. (Even with my 6-month-old toy, I am still the old-fashioned pen to paper kind of girl).

And 2009 is going to be a year filled with lots of appointments and notes to jot down.

The conundrum is I want a practical weekly diary/notebook which hints at "professionalism" yet oozes style and oomph. Tall order. I know.

I think this year, I'll indulge in a Moleskine. That will allow me to jot down the all-important appointments, and, doodle when I feel bored at those darned meetings.

Or maybe I should just stick to my usual.

Urrgghhh...I'm back to where I started.

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