15 January 2007


Lulu Guiness

it has to do with the fact that E and I are apart that i've completely gone into an overdrive mode. thinking about the future and possibilities, planning and visualizing have helped ease the awkwardness and loneliness of being miles away.

dwell on the possibilities. dwell. i like the word. ~exp.


above, Lulu Guinness' rug from The Rug Company.
Kiki carpet special
west elm 2
west elm 1
clockwise from left:
stone rug US$399, morocco window rug US$99-599,
botanical rug US$99-499 and love bird rug US$99-529.
all images from
west elm.


Anonymous said...

i like the brown ones.

the lady and the rose rug is a bit disturbing. it looks like she just killed the groom on her beautiful white rug and can't decide which is worse: that her rug is ruined or that her husband is dead.

Anonymous said...

typical of you, funny as hell! i like the brown ones better too.

Anonymous said...

i like the birdy rug.. so cute.. erm... bro in law , can buy for me for my 31st b'day.. ehhehe