04 January 2007

new year, resolutions - not yet

setting new year resolutions is a big thing for me, i've yet to complete my list. i'm beginning to suspect this has to do with my being a perfectionist - i want to set resolutions that are not too out of reach yet not too within reach either - geez!

christmas and new year came and went and i'm regretting every bit for not resting; i was working my butt off at a high price. i hated myself but have since forgiven myself, hey, it's a new year, a new slate ;)

E and my anniversary was supersweet though, we spent a relaxing day (i.e. doing nothing), had dinner at Oak Chalet in Bellmore, NY and didn't give each other anything tangible :)


eric's girl

i'm leaving virginia for chicago tomorrow - there are a lot of stuff here in c-ville that i will miss: bodo's bagels, barnes and noble at emmet street, five guys' burgers and peanuts, the crisp cool winter air and our simple one-room apartment. i'm in this weird mood - i feel that i'm drifting and i'm not sure where my home really is... ~ exp


Anonymous said...

nerdy harry potter glasses

btw, who's two beady little eyes are peaking out from behind the door...spooky...

Anonymous said...