05 January 2007

Hague it or Not

I woke up today with an a fresh burst of outlook in life. That I will take stock of what I have and have been given as a gift and use that gift unselfishly.

That said, the offer to work and be in the "thick of action" in Hague has its moments of doubt. Not because I am afraid of the nature of work it will expose me to but because I wanted to work on what I have presently here with M for a little while longer. Don't get me wrong. M has been encouraging me to take the job up at Hague. I figured the work in Hague can be done as it is now from where I am. Perhaps the idea of relocating will be revisited in the near future.

Public speaking and being media-savvy is probably something I need to work on seeing the nature of cases I'm thrusted into. You'd think that with the career path I'm on, I'd be all confident and be the media darling that I should be but noooo, I get tongue twisted when I am out there, taunted by those smart journalists.

Someone hold my hand and enrol me in a public speaking class. Anyone? Please? ~ Inspira


Anonymous said...

Hi Inspira,

A few tips for you if I may,

Firstly, when talking to the media, don't! They simply take you out of cointect and change your words. But in some jobs I suppose that you have to.

A second one is to simply breathe. When doing any form of public speaking, if yopu simply remember to breathe you will reduce your nervs heaps.

I have some other tips on my website www.executivespeaking.com.au about over coming fears and making presentations.

I hope that helps.


Darren Fleming
Public Speaking Coach

Anonymous said...

Aww..thanks Darren for the tips! I suppose now I know why I feel there's always a golf ball stuck in my throat when I speak publicly! ;-P