21 July 2006

love and largesse

Partner in crime, I like that. Just the sound of it sends sparks to my toes! I’ve been dragging my feet to write the first (actual) post…you know, first-anything has that anticipatory, somewhat scary feeling. Not all that surprising, I suppose. I’ve been lurking around, tweaking the html/css codes: this is so very me, I like the behind-the-scenes work. Starting this blog with you is a personal challenge for me: to overcome this shyness. Perhaps it’s the impending move back to Sgp, I’ve been living vicariously the past few months.

Three good things:

  1. Great designs that inspire me oh-so-often
  2. Pictures that speak to me (and to you, I hope)
  3. Letterpress art and the great artists behind them

Am currently loving IAMSTILL ALIVE : love and largesse, E and I are still learning…

Have a good weekend! xoxo, exp


Anonymous said...

Of course I love the pictures and images you post - they always bring a fresh perspective to my otherwise usually dull and monochromatic outlook (blame the court robes for that one! ;-P)

Anonymous said...
