20 July 2006

Hello and welcome

Hello, and welcome to our blog - a meandering of thoughts and observations as we go along. A repository of sorts of two friends - Exponent and Inspira. We've read a few of these blogs lately, so we thought we'd give it a shot. So far, fairly simple.

Anyway, we like to write. We can't speak for the public at large, as to whether they like to read what we write. But the fact remains, I like to write. The title of our blog? Glad you asked. My partner in crime suggested we paired her chosen word with mine. A meandering repository of some silly 'deep thought' type of things we love about life in general. What do we write about? Life. I know that sounds prolific and noble, but my life is nothing of the sort. It's fairly ordinary, some highs, some lows. Yet I manage to come up with some interesting perspectives. Or so I've been told. So what will our blog be about? In the fine tradition of Seinfeld, this will likely be a blog about nothing. But I'm okay with that. I embrace the challenge of turning nothing into a funny, or perhaps poignant something. So who are the two friends who are blogging away here? Exponent? Inspira? Another set of questions. The answers remain to be uncovered as our blog unfolds.

I think I will find it hard not to blog several times a day. Yes, I have a 'day' job where I'm forced to be all day, 'working'. But fortunately I have an office with a door that closes, basically no supervision, unlimited access to the internet, and not much of a desire (these days) to do my job. It will be tempting to blog often throughout the day. I think a lot, and therefore have many random thoughts throughout the day. Since blogging doesn't come with anyone telling me to shut up or get to work, we'll see how self-disciplined I will be to not blog incessantly all the live long day.

That should do it for my first entry in our first blog. I don't want to give away too much. Always leave your audience wanting more, is what they say. Or at least leave before they want more things to throw at you. Until next time, I guess.

May your days be filled with a plethora of opportunities to laugh, be it at yourself or others.

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