20 August 2011

i heart taro gomi

i was at a day care facility the other day. the purpose of the visit was part of the domestic-affairs-contingency-plan that i had mapped out for my own peace of mind. and ever the alert mom, besides NOT paying attention to what the principal (who, curiously plays the role of a tour guide) was saying, i was scanning the day care center's library to see what books they stock. i have to say that i'm pretty impressed with what they were reading to the children, but this book, "My friends" by Taro Gomi (五味 太郎), caught my eye. the author's name sounded mightily familiar and as soon as i got back to my office, i googled it. aha! we have one of his books, "Everyone Poops" but little did I know he's Japanese... I can't wait to get hold of his books in Japanese now... dreaming of that vacation to Japan...


Inspira said...

What's this Everyone poops book about. Potty training for poop? Cos if it is - I so desperately need it cos' Nad still refuses to poop in her potty (despite my encouragement, bribery and excitement each time she does go in her potty) and prefers the nappy. Ah...why can't pooping in potty be as easy as peeing in the potty?

exponent said...

well, i bought it as part of my potty training Program (with a capital "P") C is still not potty trained... i bought it primarily because the book is a classic and i like it's approach to something that's a natural bodily function :)

at least Nad pees in the potty... C just stands there and pretends to by saying "ppppsssss" :S

Inspira said...

Thanks for the info! I will look out for the book next time I am at bookstores..... :-)

shamsheri said...