10 February 2011


back to home improvements... having recently succeeded in a sewing project, i could beat my chest and go on to scale greater molehills... a little less-than-two-year-old tot in my household has turned a little playcorner to a mish-mash of books, easels, puzzles, toy-cars garages. i have my eye on this, my experience with this ikea series has been wonderful and i firmly believe in getting solid wood furniture because it lasts and is therefore an eco-friendlier choice than plastics (in my opinion anyways). so my molehill is to create a tufted seat for the toy box so that its destiny as a dual-function piece of furnture could be fulfilled. choice of fabric, silk velvet. color, undecided, but i'm leaning toward dove-grey-hint-of-mauve. i'm hoping to get the technique of piping right from the get-go. did i mention i'm extraordinarily capable of creating molehills out of mountains?

these pictures from canvas are giving rush of inspiration on color choices...

canvas table top 1
canvas table top 2
canvas table top 3


Inspira said...

Oooh...Can I copy that idea....????

exponent said...

you mean the toy box/bench? sure! and we can shop together for fabric at arab street ;)

Inspira said...

Yeay!! I LOVE Arab Street - need to get fabric for Nad too (for Eid). :-)

I will likely sand it and paint the chest/bench though...hahahaha....so I can go berserk with colours with the cushion covers. :-)