17 April 2009

Mmm . . . ooo

As most of you know, I have had a pretty ok pregnancy. So far.

The best part (for M at least) is that I haven't had any particular food craving for something red-meat and drenched in oil. My only craving to-date was fruits of all imaginable origins. At one point, walking down the fresh fruit aisle of the supermarket, I went berzerk with the fruits. I could have sworn, people thought I was going a wee bit overboard with the amount of fruits in my trolley. I kid you not.

Today though, is a different story.

I have an insatiable desire to eat a really huge burger. The kind with 2 meat patties, lots of lettuce, cucumbers, melting cheese. All smack between 2 perfectly toasted sesame-seed buns.

And reading about Burgerville, I am sure M would approve us eating there.

Now, I need to get on the plane to have myself the juiciest burger I can lay my hands on.


e said...

Have you tried Five Guys? So yummie, we try to stop there whenever we visit the states.

Inspira said...

Ah yes....I saw a few of them when we were up in Maryland...but didn't stop by cos' Meraj is no red-meat eater...Burgerville though is a eco-friendly and sustainable business with chicken on the menu which M would definitely approve..heheh