01 January 2008

Across the Universe

M and I watched Across the Universe earlier today.

It was beautifully bizarre. I truly don’t know how else to explain it. I walked away from the theatre absolutely enthralled.

I am a 70s child. I grew up in a family who swore by LPs.

Many years later, I can still remember my dad putting his LPs on, and the sounds of Across the Universe, Strawberry Fields, Because etc. emanate from the mono speakers.

Since my childhood, when my dad passed away, there has not been a day when I just kicked back and listened to The Beatles. After my experience earlier today, I think I will include a dose or two of the the Fab Four in my listening habit. I know dad would have liked that I inherited his good taste in music. ~ Inspira

1 comment:

Cakespy said...

I loved that movie too! I thought I would be cheesed out by it, but I thought it was just wonderful. I left the theatre simply dazzled. I love the memories and associations it gave you too!